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Often, there are several options to be taken for solving various recurring packaging issues. This document tries to make a list of those common issues and will serve as a base do define common policies on how to solve them. ====== Issues ====== Make a list of known problems here and propose workarounds and conventions to apply, whenever possible. Those will be promoted to the Policies document when acknowledged by the Packman members. ===== Beta Versions ===== Packages versioned as e.g. "2.0_rc20" or "1.9beta4" or "0.9.4rc1" are problematic as rpm/apt/yast won't update when the final version is out → define a convention for defining the RPM version tag for such packages (e.g. "2.0_0.20" / "2.0_1.0", "1.9_0.4" / "1.9_1.0", etc...) ===== Biarch/AMD64 ===== Various issues related to building on biarch/amd64 architecture: * must use <tt>%suse_update_config -f</tt> and <tt>%suse_update_libdir</tt> before configure with every package - note that it might break the build of some packages, so it must be tested (only remove it if it breaks), like this: <code> ... %{?suse_update_config:BuildRequires:autoconf automake libtool}} ... %prep %setup -q ..... %{?suse_update_libdir:%{suse_update_libdir}} %{?suse_update_config:%{suse_update_config -f}}</code> * QT libraries (applies to KDE applications/libraries as well) * the QT libraries on SUSE are located in <tt>/usr/lib/qt3</tt>, **not** <tt>/usr/%{_lib}/qt3</tt>, so always pass <tt>--with-qt-dir=/usr/lib/qt3</tt>, even on IA64 * must pass <tt>--libsuffix=64</tt> (when on biarch **only**) to have configure use <tt>/usr/lib/qt3/lib64</tt>, can be done with <code> %configure \ %if %{_lib} == lib64 --enable-libsuffix=64 \ %endif</code> ====== General Policies ====== ===== Release Tag ===== Every Packman package has to comply with the following release tag naming scheme: <code><release>.</code> The reason for starting the release tag with "<tt>0.</tt>" is simple: when SUSE provides a newer package (e.g. as part of a security update), it will have a higher priority than ours, which is good: we give priority to packages made by SUSE. ===== Source Files ===== Source files (<tt>Source:</tt>, <tt>Source1:</tt>, <tt>Source2:</tt>, ...) should always be mentioned with the complete URL, not just the filename. <u>e.g.:</u> * **not** like this: <code> Source: doxygen-%{_version}.src.tar.gz</code> * **but** like this: <code> Source: <nowiki>{_version}.src.tar.gz</nowiki></code> Obviously, this does not apply to <tt>Patch:</tt> or <tt>Source:</tt> files contributed by the packager (e.g. init script, etc...) ===== Patch Files ===== * filenames: use the "<tt>.diff</tt>" filename extension for the patch filenames * use "unified" format: create patch files using <tt>diff</tt> with the "<tt>-u</tt>" option * try to create diff files that can be applied with the "<tt>-p0</tt>" option, thus created in the base directory of the unpacked source tarball * the filename of the patch must start with the name of the package, e.g. <tt>mplayer-fix-biarch.diff</tt> instead of <tt>fix-biarch.diff</tt> ===== Use macros ===== * use macros whenever possible, both for * tools: %__make, %__install, %__cp, %__rm, ... * paths: %_prefix, %_libdir, %_sysconfdir, %_mandir, %_datadir, ... * special note: //**ALWAYS//** use "<tt>%_lib</tt>" and "<tt>%_libdir</tt>" instead of "<tt>lib</tt>" and "<tt>/usr/lib</tt>", otherwise the package won't build properly on biarch/amd64 !!! ===== Optimization flags ===== Always try to pass build optimization flags using the <tt>%{optflags}</tt> variable. Most often, it is sufficient to set them before calling <tt>./configure</tt>, like this:<code> CFLAGS="%{optflags}" \ CXXFLAGS="%{optflags}" \ ./configure ... </code> On the other hand, it is advisable to use the <tt>%configure</tt> macro instead, that already sets every generic autoconf parameter. When you use <tt>%configure</tt>, you don't need to pass <tt>%{optflags}</tt>, it does it automatically: <code> %configure \ <code> --with-included-sqlite \ --with-alsa \ ...</code> </code> When <tt>autoconf</tt> is not used, it is necessary to look at the <tt>Makefile</tt> and see whether the flags can be passed by overriding an existing <tt>Makefile</tt> variable (e.g. <tt>CFLAGS</tt>, <tt>DEBUG</tt>, <tt>OPTFLAGS</tt>, ...). If it is not possible, make a patch for the <tt>Makefile</tt> to be able to pass those flags from the <tt>spec</tt> file. This is often the case when <tt>CFLAGS</tt> is already used in the <tt>Makefile</tt> to pass required options, like <tt>-I...</tt> paths or <tt>-D...</tt> defines. Example: <code> CFLAGS=-DLOCALE_PATH=\"/usr/locale\" -DLINUX -I$(pkgconfig gtk-2.0 --cflags) -g -O2</code> In this case, make a patch to the <tt>Makefile</tt> and add an additional variable: * <tt>cp Makefile Makefile.orig</tt> * edit <tt>Makefile</tt> and change as below: <code> OPTFLAGS=-g -O2 CFLAGS=-DLOCALE_PATH=\"/usr/locale\" -DLINUX -I$(pkgconfig gtk-2.0 --cflags) $(OPTFLAGS)</code> * make a patch: <tt>diff -u Makefile{.orig,} > ../foobar-makefile-optflags.diff</tt> * add the patch in the spec file: <code> Source: .... Patch1: foobar-makefile-optflags.diff ... %prep %setup -q ... %patch1 %{?suse_update_libdir:%{suse_update_libdir}} %{?suse_update_config:%{suse_update_config -f}}</code> * and pass <tt>%{optflags}</tt> through the added variable: <code> %build %__make OPTFLAGS="%{optflags}"</code> ====== Packman Metadata ====== To be able to upload packages automagically using <tt>packmanrobot</tt>, you must add the following Packman-specific tags in every <tt>spec</tt> file. All those Packman tags start with a comment (<tt>#</tt>) and thus, don't break <tt>rpmbuild</tt>. ===== Packager ===== Using the <tt>Packman</tt> tag, you can identify yourself as a Packman team member.
packman/packagingconventions.txt ยท Last modified: 2012/01/14 03:51 by
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