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openxchangeonsarge [2012/01/14 05:14]
mschiff removed
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-How To install an OpenXchange server on [[|Debian]] Sarge 
-[[|Nice Iconset?]] 
-[[|OX on Sarge]] 
-Based on the above, a step-by-step manual: 
-edit /etc/apt/sources.list 
-and add: 
-  -  OX related packages 
-  -  java 
-deb http:<nowiki>//</nowiki> sarge main contrib non-free restricted 
-deb-src http:<nowiki>//</nowiki> sarge main contrib non-free restricted 
-  -  Open-Xchange and JavaMail packages 
-deb http:<nowiki>//</nowiki> ./ 
- aptitude update 
- aptitude install postgresql tomcat4 tomcat4-webapps tomcat4-admin apache2 libapache2-mod-jk2 j2sdk1.5</code> 
- vi /var/lib/tomcat4/conf/tomcat-users.xml</code> 
-add "manager" to the tomcate roles 
- <user name="tomcat" password="tomcat" roles="tomcat" /></code> 
- <user name="tomcat" password="tomcat" roles="tomcat,manager" /></code> 
- JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/sun-j2se5.0-jdk</code> 
-in /etc/default/tomcat4 
- /etc/init.d/tomcat4 start 
- cp /usr/share/doc/libapache2-mod-jk2/examples/ /etc/apache2/ 
- vi /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/jk2.conf</code> 
-uncomment the line 
- JkSet config.file /etc/apache2/</code> 
- vi /etc/apache2/</code> 
-Enable apache2 mod-ssl 
- a2enmod ssl</code> 
-Create a new SSL cert: 
- apache2-ssl-certificate</code> 
-And then restart apache2 
- /etc/init.d/apache2 force-reload</code> 
-Configure postgreSQL 
- vi /etc/postgresql/pg_hba.conf</code> 
- # All IPv4 connections from localhost 
- host    all         all   ident sameuser</code> 
- # All IPv4 connections from localhost 
- host    all         all   md5 
- host    all         all   ident sameuser</code> 
- /etc/init.d/postgresql reload</code> 
-Install imap: 
- aptitude install cyrus21-imapd</code> 
-Install OpenLdap 
- aptitude install slapd</code> 
-Install OpenXchange: 
-The installation process is a bit complicated/buggy.  
-The package wants to fill the ldap directory during install but slapd does not know the open-xchange schema at this 
-time. So it does not work "the smooth way". 
-This is maybe the most smooth way: 
-First only download all needed packages for open-xchange: 
- aptitude -d install open-xchange</code> 
-Now unpack open-xchange: 
- dpkg --unpack /var/cache/apt/archives/open-xchange_0.8.0.5-2_i386.deb</code> 
-so that we have the ldap schema file. 
- cp /etc/ldap/schema/open-xchange.schema.dpkg-new /etc/ldap/schema/open-xchange.schema 
- vi /etc/ldap/slapd.conf</code> 
- include         /etc/ldap/schema/open-xchange.schema</code> 
-then set proper ACLs by doing 
- cat /usr/share/doc/open-xchange/openLDAP2.2.conf.example | sed 's/dc=example,dc=org/dc=<your domain>,dc=<your tld>/g' >> /etc/ldap/slapd.conf </code> 
-and do a 
- /etc/init.d/slapd restart</code> 
-Now you can finish open-xchange installation: 
-DO NOT USE APTITUDE NOW! (because it will try to recover an error where we do not want it to do this!) 
- apt-get install open-xchange</code> 
-The process pauses at: 
- Starting OXWebmail webmail module: done.</code> 
-Go to a second console and restart open-xchange 
- /etc/init.d/open-xchange restart</code> 
-If the install process did not finish yet, abort it with ctrl-c, then: 
- apt-get remove open-xchange</code> 
-then again 
-  apt-get install open-xchange</code> 
-Now answer the "Should I create/fill db" questions with "No!" 
-Then, when it hangs at "Starting OXWebmail webmail module: done." 
-the second time, go to the second console 
-and do the  
- /etc/init.d/open-xchange restart</code> 
-again. Now the installprocess should really have finished. 
-What a mess.... 
-Configure Cyrus: 
- aptitude install sasl2-bin 
- vi /etc/default/saslauthd</code> 
- START=yes 
- MECHANISMS="ldap"</code> 
-Create /etc/saslauthd.conf 
- vi /etc/saslauthd.conf</code> 
-ldap_servers: ldap:<nowiki>//</nowiki> 
-ldap_version: 3 
-ldap_timeout: 10 
-ldap_time_limit: 10 
-ldap_cache_ttl: 30 
-ldap_cache_mem: 32768 
-ldap_scope: sub 
-ldap_search_base: ou=Users,ou=OxObjects,dc=<your domain>,dc=<your tld> 
-ldap_auth_method: bind 
-ldap_filter: uid=%u 
-ldap_bind_dn: cn=admin,dc=gaia-capital,dc=de 
-ldap_bind_pw: secret 
-In /etc/imapd.conf 
- allowplaintext: yes 
- sasl_mech_list: PLAIN 
- sasl_minimum_layer: 0 
- sasl_pwcheck_method: saslauthd</code> 
---[[User:Mschiff|mschiff]] 19:30, 22 Jul 2005 (CEST)