Table of Contents

Some info about the recompile of Packman packages on PPC

This documents provides information about the recompile of Packman packages on the PPC platform, and also serves as a reminder for me (CzP) about what works, what is problematic, what does compile at all for different reasons.


All compiles are currently done on an Open Desktop Workstation ( ), a small but powerfull machine built for PPC enthusiasts.


Currently all builds are done using SUSE Linux 10.1 as base OS, and y2pmbuild is used for compiling packages. This means, that source SPEC files often need some manual editing to get the package to compile. As most packagers use custom built scripts and need to support ancient versions of SUSE Linux (PPC version of SUSE is a very recent addition), I can't really force my patches on others. For this reason, I still do not integrate my packages into the Packman website as many of my source rpms are different from the 'official' ones.

Fails to compile

Not compiled on PPC for various reasons