SecureCopy (scp) is often used for copying files between unix machines nowadays. What if you have a really huge file and such a transfer got interrupted? ftp and http both can do partial downloads of files so that you can continue downloading a file where it got interupted to save bandwidth and time. But with SSH? Hm. SSH/SCP do not have someting like that. The follwoing little shellscript can do it. It supports downloading, uploading and even transferring a file from one remote host to another! Call it like "scp+ /my/local/file" to download a file using ssh. If the file exists on the destination and is smaller than the source file file, the remaining bytes will be appended to the destination file. #!/bin/bash # # get/put files via ssh and # continue partial downloads/uploads or host-to-host transfers # # Copyright (c) 2005-2008 by Marc Schiffbauer # Version 2.0 # SSH_OPTS="-o ServerAliveInterval=5 -o ServerAliveCountMax=3" BLOCK_SIZE="1500" # Bytes # URL like "user@host:path/to/file" SRC_URL="$1" SRC_URL_HOST="${SRC_URL%%:*}" SRC_URL_FILE="${SRC_URL##*:}" DST_URL="${2:-$(basename $SRC_URL_FILE)}" DST_URL_HOST="${DST_URL%%:*}" DST_URL_FILE="${DST_URL##*:}" if [[ -z "$SRC_URL" || -z "$DST_URL" ]]; then echo "" echo " Syntax: $(basename $0) [[]]" echo "" echo " src/dst: [[[user@]]host:]/path/to/file" exit 1 fi if [[ $SRC_URL_HOST == $SRC_URL_FILE ]]; then SRC_CMD="sh -c" else SRC_CMD="ssh $SSH_OPTS $SRC_URL_HOST" fi if [[ $DST_URL_HOST == $DST_URL_FILE ]]; then DST_CMD="sh -c" else DST_CMD="ssh $SSH_OPTS $DST_URL_HOST" fi DST_SIZE=$($DST_CMD "if [[sshpartialdownload|-f '$DST_URL_FILE' ]]; then find '$DST_URL_FILE' -printf '%s'; else echo 0; fi") PADDING=$((BLOCK_SIZE-DST_SIZE%BLOCK_SIZE)) $SRC_CMD "if [[sshpartialdownload|$PADDING -ne $BLOCK_SIZE ]]; then dd if='$SRC_URL_FILE' ibs=1 skip=$DST_SIZE status=noxfer count=$PADDING 2>/dev/null; PADDING=$PADDING; \ else PADDING=0; fi; dd if='$SRC_URL_FILE' bs=$BLOCK_SIZE skip=\$((($DST_SIZE+PADDING)/$BLOCK_SIZE))" | $DST_CMD "cat >> $DST_URL_FILE" exit $?