* Deutsch (german language) * [[linuxtips:sicheresrsync]] * [[linuxtips:firefoxsearchplugins]] - eigene SearchPlugins für Mozilla FireFox erstellen * English * [[linuxtips:secureremotebackup]] - HowTo implement a simple, compatible and secure remote backup * [[linuxtips:latin1toutf8]] - How to migrate a latin1 based server to use utf8 * [[linuxtips:sshpartialdownload]] - How to continue an interupted download when using ssh * [[linuxtips:awstatsmultidomainsetup]] - Some infos/ideas/scripts to maintain AWStats Loganalyzer configs for multiple domains * [[linuxtips:apacheconfig]] - Configs and Benchmarks for different apache setups * [[linuxtips:linuxonrootserver]] - Howto install linux (debian) onto a remote rootserver